Expanding the dynamic capabilities view: Special contributions

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Adriana Roseli Wünsch Takahashi
Sergio Bulgacov
Claudia Cristina Bitencourt
Hale Kaynak


Introducing the Dynamic Capabilities Forum and its position with regard to various bibliographic aspects and knowledge fields using the approach.


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TAKAHASHI, A. R. W.; BULGACOV, S.; BITENCOURT, C. C.; KAYNAK, H. Expanding the dynamic capabilities view: Special contributions. RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 57, n. 3, p. 209–214, 2017. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020170302. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fgv.br/rae/article/view/68621. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.


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