Is your supply chain ready for the next disruption? Building resilient chains

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Murilo Zamboni Alvarenga
Marcos Paulo Valadares de Oliveira
Hélio Zanquetto Filho
Kevin C. Desouza
Paula Santos Ceryno


The ability to recover from disruptions is important for organizations and supply chains. Empirical data were used to investigate factors that affect supply chain recovery from disruptions, including collaboration, visibility, flexibility, analytical orientation, and supply chain risk management. A literature review was conducted to build an online questionnaire that was applied to manufacturing firms in Brazil. This work’s statistical method includes confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Our results indicate that a
package of resilience capabilities - collaboration, flexibility, visibility, and analytical orientation - positively affect supply chain resilience. Improving such capabilities, therefore, will allow supply chains to recover better from disruptions. It was also discovered, however, that
supply chains do not recover from disruptions by way of supply chain risk management alone. Mutual impacts also exist between the group of resilience capabilities and supply chain risk management.


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ZAMBONI ALVARENGA, M. .; VALADARES DE OLIVEIRA, M. P.; ZANQUETTO FILHO, H.; C. DESOUZA, K.; SANTOS CERYNO, P. . Is your supply chain ready for the next disruption? Building resilient chains . RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 62, n. 1, p. 1–17, 2021. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020220106. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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