• What is the classification of the RAE in Qualis/CAPES?

    R: Its classification is A2.

  • How should I proceed in order to submit an article for publication in the RAE?

    R: Before submitting an article, check the norms available in the RAE Guidelines, in the Author Section. It is also important to pay attention to the rules for Format and Citations and References.

    Once you have done this, submit your article through the ScholarOneRAE’s submission management system.

  • What are the criteria for rejecting articles based on their format?

    R: Here is a list of the most relevant criteria that are taken into consideration when rejecting an article for format during the triage process:

    ·         Identification of the article’s authors

    ·         Length of the article is beyond the limit permitted;

    ·         Inclusion of tables, figures, exhibits and graphs in the body of the text;

    ·         Footnotes; and

    ·         Citations and references in ABNT.

  • My article was rejected because of its format; can I submit it again?

    R: If your article is not in the format established by the RAE, the Editorial Office will forward an email to you pointing out the corrections that need to be made. After the article conforms to the RAE format, the author is free to submit it again.

  • I have already submitted an article to the RAE and I would like to submit another. Is that possible?

    R: Authors should submit just one article at a time, or in other words, while an article is being evaluated, its authors and co-authors cannot submit another article. This rule also applies to calls for papers.

  • How many co-authors can an article have?

     R: The RAE does not establish a limit to the number of co-authors, but emphasizes that co-authors need to have effectively participated in the work.

  • My article was already presented in a Congress/Symposium; can I submit it to the RAE?

    R: Articles presented in Congresses/Symposiums are still considered new; therefore they can be submitted to the RAE.

  • The editorial office establishes a limit of 8,000 words for articles. Does this limit include tables, figures and references?

    R: The 8,000 word limit refers to the entire article, including its title, abstract, keywords in three languages, tables, figures, exhibits, graphs and references.

  • What happens if the number of words exceeds the limit established by the RAE?

    R: The Editorial Office has as a rule permitted a tolerance of 10% over the word limit. If the total is more than 10% over the limit, the Editorial Office will return it to the authors and request that the text be reduced.

  • In which languages may an article be written?

    R: The RAE accepts articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

  • What is the average number of days between submission and approval? And publication?

    R: The average number of days between submission and approval is 210 days; between submission and publication the average is 365 days.

  • During the evaluation process, what is the estimated amount of time for an author to receive a response?

    R: Responses on the format evaluation are sent to the authors in up to two business days. A desk reject response in 2022 was sent on average within 13 days.

    For an article that is going through the double blind review, we estimate a period of three months for the reports to be sent to the author(s).

    Author(s) can follow the evaluation of their article by using ScholarOne , in the Author Center.

    Here are the article statuses used by the system:

    ·         Awaiting AE Assignment and Awaiting EIC Decision: Article is undergoing the desk review by the editor-in-chief

    ·         Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Selection: Article is undergoing the preliminary evaluation

    ·         Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Article is undergoing the peer review, and is waiting for the acceptance of its evaluator(s)

    ·         Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Scores: Article is undergoing the peer review, and one or both of the evaluators has accepted the invitation and/or at least one evaluation has been completed

  • I am having trouble submitting my article to ScholarOne. Can I send it by email?

    R: The entire article management process is conducted through ScholarOne, from submission through approval. In that case, contact the Editorial Office - raeredacao@fgv.br - to specify the problem you are encountering so that we can find a possible solution. 

  • What do the statuses for following submissions in ScholarOne signify?

    ·         Awaiting AE Assignment and Awaiting EIC Decision: Article is undergoing the desk review by the editor-in-chief

    ·         Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Selection: Article is undergoing the preliminary evaluation

    ·         Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Article is undergoing the peer review, and is waiting for the acceptance of its evaluator(s)

    ·         Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Scores: Article is undergoing the peer review, and one or both of the evaluators has accepted the invitation and/or at least one evaluation has been completed

  • I am not able to submit a new version of my article. The link is not available anymore. How should I proceed?

    R: Authors have a deadline for submitting new versions and it should be respected. If it will be impossible to meet this deadline, the Editorial Office - raeredacao@fgv.br - needs to be informed of this before the deadline expires.

  • Today is the last day to submit a new version of my article and, when I accessed ScholarOne, the link was not available anymore. How should I proceed?

    R: ScholarOne is an international system, and occasionally the link for submitting a new version may be offline. If this is so, please contact us: raeredacao@fgv.br .

  • The RAE states in its RAE Guidelines that tables, figures, exhibits and graphs should not be submitted in the body of the text, but this is not the way the published article appears. Which way should I submit my article?

    R: Formatting for submitted articles is different from the format they will appear in when published. It is essential that the instructions of the Diretrizes RAE in regard to article submissions be followed.

  • What is the Forum Section?

    R: This is a section that is focused on disseminating knowledge about topics of interest and relevance to the scientific community. Generally it is organized by scientific editors by invitation from the RAE. The organizers should prepare a call for papers about a specific topic with instructions on how to submit articles. These guest editors play a very important role in the improving of articles and their later publication. The RAE will assist and effectively participate in every step of this process.

  • How can I send an article to the Forum?

    R: This is possible when the RAE lists the appropriate internet webpage or in printed version for special calls for papers. These calls will contain all the information on submissions, word limits, topics, subtopics, submission deadlines as well as submission guidelines.

  • How does the evaluation process at the RAE work?

    R: Articles submitted to the RAE first pass through a preliminary triage in terms of format (to see whether they conform to expected norms and formats), and then pass through a system that detects similarities. They are then evaluated in a three step process: 

    1.            Triage conducted by the Editor-in-Chief, who examines whether the work fits into the journal’s general scope and whether it has potential for publication;

    2.            A preliminary evaluation by a member of the Scientific Editorial Board, who seeks to identify the article’s contribution to its specialty; the consistency of its scientific methodology and the sample used; as well as its relevance and whether it’s bibliography is up to date. In this step, the scientific editor decides whether the article should be rejected or should continue on to the next step in the process; and

    3.            The double blind review: coordinated by a member of the Scientific Editorial Board from the article’s specialty, consists of the interaction between the authors of the paper and two specialists who in evaluating the work make comments and suggestions to improve it. Usually the scientific editors and the Editor-in-Chief add editorial advice to the evaluators’ suggestions to improve the article for publication. This step involves continuing reassessments and gathering resources to improve the article.

  • My article has been approved for publication. What are the following steps?

    R: After being approved in the evaluation process, the specific issue that will feature the articles is selected (the authors will be informed beforehand); the article will then go through an Editorial Mentoring step to prepare the article for final publication in terms of text structure (introduction, development, methodology and conclusion); then it will pass through the copy desk and editing to undergo spelling/grammar revision, and a revision to meet the norms of the APA; and finally the authors will receive the final version for their approval and a rights licensing document that should be signed and returned to the Editorial Office before the journal is published.

    Attention: The non-delivery of the Rights Licensing document by the date stipulated by the RAE Editorial Office will lead to the cancelling of the article’s publication in the scheduled issue.

  • I want to update information and/or make modifications to my article.

    R: The article cannot be altered while it is going through the evaluation process. Please wait for the RAE’s final decision.

    Attention: to update registration data in the system, the author should access ScholarOne with his or her data, and in the upper right corner of the screen open the registration form and proceed to make the necessary update(s).