
Nota de Pesar


A Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), com pesar, comunica o falecimento da Profa. Deborah de Moraes Zouain no dia 09 de dezembro de 2023. A comunidade editorial e acadêmica expressa os mais sinceros sentimentos aos familiares e amigos(as) nesse momento tão difícil.

A Professora Deborah Zouain contribuiu enormemente na consolidação da RAP, tendo atuado como editora-chefe no período de novembro de 2002 a setembro de 2011.

Os nossos sinceros agradecimentos!

Site da revista entrará em manutenção


Informamos que entre os dias 31/07/2023 e 02/08/2023 o site da revista ficará temporariamente indisponível pois estaremos realizando a migração da plataforma para servidores em nuvem.

Durante o processo, o site apresentará um texto informando que a página estará em manutenção.

O sistema de submissão ScholarOne Manuscripts não será impactado e continuará funcionando normalmente.

Call for short papers I: Governmental responses to COVID-19 pandemic


Call for short papers I: Governmental responses to COVID-19 pandemic




Alketa Peci

(Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil)

 Claudia N. Avellaneda

(O’Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs Indiana University, USA)

Kohei Suzuki

(Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, the Netherlands)





Deadline for submissions: December 2nd, 2019

(Articles only in English)


 Felipe Gonçalves Brasil

Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP Araraquara

 Bryan D. Jones

 University of Texas at Austin

Event: Challenges in the Field of Public Administration – speakers’ presentations


Note originally published June 23, 2017.

The presentations used by the speakers of the event “Challenges in the Field of Public Administration: Teaching, Professionalization and Research,” held on June 20-21, in Rio de Janeiro, are now available.

Promoted by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) and the National School of Public Administration (Enap), the event brought together leaders of government schools, researchers, academics and public managers to discuss issues related to public service training and academic production in Public Administration. The event focused on challenges related to teaching, learning, and innovation in times of uncertainty, and marked the 2017 Meeting of the Government Schools Network and the 50th Anniversary of the Brazilian Journal of Public Administration – RAP, published by FGV EBAPE. 

Click here to access the presentations. 

To access the videos of the event, click on the links below:

June 20


Afternoon - ACCESS HERE

June 21

Afternoon - ACCESS HERE

RAP’s new Editor


Note originally posted on August 25, 2015.

According to the procedures provided and adopted in the previous selection process, I am proud to announce that the Brazilian Journal of Public Administration – RAP will have a new Editor-in-chief starting in the first issue of 2016. Professor Alketa Peci, my colleague from FGV EBAPE, is a researcher at CNPq, Coordinator of Public Administration at EnANPAD and Faperj’s “Jovem Cientista” (Young Scientist) Fellow. Professor Peci was recently elected Vice-President of the National Forum of Professional Masters. Her publications in the area are significant, and she has an important scientific publishing experience. I wish Professor Peci success in the coming years, which will be a period of new decisions for the journal’s national and international positioning.


Peter K. Spink

Workshop promoted by RAP in partnership with JPART gathers scholars from the field of public administration (PA)


Note originally published on March 10, 2016 de 2016.

On February 26, 2016, the Brazilian Journal of Public Administration (RAP) promoted the workshop “International Research in Public Administration: building bridges for rigorous and relevant research,” in partnership with the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory & Public Management Research Association (JPART). The event was organized by RAP’s Editor-in-chief, Prof. Alketa Peci.

The participants attended lectures with international representatives of the leading journals in the field of Public Administration – JPART and specialists in the field such as Bradley E. Wright (JPART Editor-in-chief); Carolyn Heinrich (Former JPART Editor-in-chief); Donald Moynihan (President of the Public Management Research Association); and Phil Kangas (Consultant – Government and Global Public Sector).

Relevant issues were discussed in the areas of PA, such as governability and its consequences/eligibilities in Brazil and the world; globalization; trends; editorial and structural issues for writing articles. The event represented an opportunity for academics and researchers in Public Administration/Public Management to know the key issues in research and to build connections with the leading journals of the field.


The workshop was conducted in English with room for discussion among participants and speakers.


Find the program of the event and the lecturers’ presentations here.


Public Management Research Association (PMRA) Perspectives (Donald Moynihan)
Current Practice, Globalization, and Trends (Bradley E. Wright)

Leading themes in public administration research and cross-national research opportunities (Carolyn Heinrich)

Research on public administration:  Topics of interest (Donald Moynihan)


Watch the video of the complete event here.