Note originally published on March 10, 2016.

On February 26, 2016, the Brazilian Journal of Public Administration (RAP) promoted the workshop “International Research in Public Administration: building bridges for rigorous and relevant research,” in partnership with the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory & Public Management Research Association (JPART). The event was organized by RAP’s Editor-in-chief, Prof. Alketa Peci.

The participants attended lectures with international representatives of the leading journals in the field of Public Administration – JPART and specialists in the field such as Bradley E. Wright (JPART Editor-in-chief); Carolyn Heinrich (Former JPART Editor-in-chief); Donald Moynihan (President of the Public Management Research Association); and Phil Kangas (Consultant – Government and Global Public Sector).

Relevant issues were discussed in the areas of PA, such as governability and its consequences/eligibilities in Brazil and the world; globalization; trends; editorial and structural issues for writing articles. The event represented an opportunity for academics and researchers in Public Administration/Public Management to know the key issues in research and to build connections with the leading journals of the field.

The workshop was conducted in English with room for discussion among participants and speakers.

Find the program of the event and the lecturers’ presentations here.

Public Management Research Association (PMRA) Perspectives (Donald Moynihan)

Current Practice, Globalization, and Trends (Bradley E. Wright)

Leading themes in public administration research and cross-national research opportunities (Carolyn Heinrich)

Research on public administration:  Topics of interest (Donald Moynihan)

Watch the video of the complete event here.