The determination of the potential exporter

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Rosane Kerbel
Angela da Rocha
Carl Huish Christensen


One hundred and fifty-two Brazilian companies that exported in 1978 were interviewed again six years later to determine the factors that were correlated with the continuance of exporting. The results indicated that those firms that had successfully continued to export during the period had different company characteristics and .used different export management practices in 1978 than the ex-exporters, thus supporting the basic contention that it is possible to predict export performance. However, government incentives to induce exporting were negatively correlated with the continuance of exporting activities suggesting that the export activity was not intema1ized by the firms using such incentives and thus raising important questions about the usefulness of such policies in Brazil.


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How to Cite
Kerbel, R., Rocha, A. da, & Christensen, C. H. (1986). The determination of the potential exporter. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 20(2), 90 a 111. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Rosane Kerbel

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