State relations / industrial bourgeoisie

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Geraldo S. Pimentel Filho
Humberto Hauson B. de C. e Silva
João Miguel C. S. Castel-Branco
José Martins da Silva
José Roberto de M. R. P. Fernandes


The authors try to analyze the relationship between the State and the industrial bourgeoisie, starting from the origins of Brazilian industrialization and reaching up to the SO's.

The work is presented in four stages and its core is the ineffectuality of the industrial-bourgeois project, especially during periods of crisis and transition. Thus, in the Republica Velha (Old Republic) the beginnings of industrialization are identified as deriving from the trading of coffee and catching up with the Revolutionary Movement of 1930, when it is possible to discern more clearly the bourgeoisie reaching its leading position in society.

The concretization of the industrial process and the consolidation of bourgeoisie as a class are stressed in the following stage, from 1930 to 1955.

The economic aspects of an internationalization of the economy supported by a State ideology of nationalistic and popular colouring, and also the ensuing political crisis are analysed in the next stage, which cavers the years from 1955 to 1964.

The last historical phase intends to be more comprehensive in the analysis of the authoritarian and bureaucratic State emerged in 1964, and this section studies the system of connections created by the industrial bourgeoisie in its dealings with the State, its characteristic ideology, its 1inks with official bureaucracy (viewed here in as an actor in classes dynamics), its behavior during the transitional period of 1974-80 and so on, in terms of the exclusivist, autocratic and dependent developmental model which is a brand of almost this entire phase.

The authors end by emphasizing the need of a more effective participation of the citizenry in the process of definition of governmental policies, since such a process, to a great extent, has been defined and implemented by more powerful though less representative sectors of the society, among them the industrial bourgeoisie itself.


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How to Cite
Pimentel Filho, G. S., Silva, H. H. B. de C. e, Castel-Branco, J. M. C. S., Silva, J. M. da, & Fernandes, J. R. de M. R. P. (1986). State relations / industrial bourgeoisie. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 20(1), 44 a 77. Retrieved from