Social Security: diagnosis and prospects

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Francisco Eduardo Barreto de Oliveira
Maria Emília R. M. de Azevedo


Within the strict limitations of their knowledge, the authors of this article intend to provide a contribution to an informed discussion of questions related to the Brazilian Social Security and Welfare system, offering data and information capable to allow the reader to form his own opinion about the problems involved.

It is worth pointing out that the present degree of knowledge on such problems is not sufficient to permit the designing of alternatives that, effective from an economic and financial viewpoint may at the same time be reasonably socially just. On the other hand, to extensively and informedly discuss the problem itself

may lead to such alternative solutions, being important to stress that this idea of an ample discussion must necessarily transcend the sphere of the Executive

Power, to be situated with a broader representativeness in the context of society as a whole.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, F. E. B. de, & Azevedo, M. E. R. M. de. (1985). Social Security: diagnosis and prospects. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 19(1), 59 a 94. Retrieved from