Social policy, accumulation and legitimacy

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Jaime Antonio de Araújo Oliveira


Starting from a series of citations, the author attempts to analyze the evolution observed in the handling of questions related to the protection of ways to fulfill the needs of the working classes, as for instance the passing of early acts establishing control of working conditions, compensation for accidents, compulsory security mechanisms, and so on. The artic1e discusses, therefore, such topics as the progressive State intervention in the regulation and control of working conditions, in the granting of monetary benefits or rendering of services to low-income sectors of the population; as the emergence and development of social legislation and of the complex of social policies resulting therein; as relationships between such social policies and the expanding labor force, between such social policies and hegemony, and also their impact upon the economy as a whole.

The text finally inc1udes a historical analysis of the different stages of social security.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, J. A. de A. (1984). Social policy, accumulation and legitimacy. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 18(2), 110 a 126. Retrieved from