Unemployment and underemployment in Brazil: how to prevent and combat?

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Ralph C. J. Von Gersdorff


The objective of this article is to show that the solution of the unemployment and underemployment problems in Brazil has been neglected hitherto by the Government. No specific plans have been elaborated so that a sudden increase of unemployment and underemployment finds the Government unprepared.

The author makes various suggestions. One is to establish an organization for the systematic identification, selection and elaboration of projects of different sizes and on different levels of government. Having sufficient projects in the "pipeline" there should be no problem to train and place the unemployed  and underemployed in vacancies created by the execution of such projects. These activities can be best organized in the framework of "bottom-up" and regional planning.


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How to Cite
Gersdorff, R. C. J. V. (1982). Unemployment and underemployment in Brazil: how to prevent and combat?. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 16(1), 81 a 106. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/11531