Participation in transnational networks and the formulation of local policies on climate changes: the case of Palmas

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Lia de Azevedo Almeida
Mônica Aparecida da Rocha Silva
Ronaldo Augusto Campos Pessoa


All Brazilian towns which have a specific policy on climate changes were or still are members of the transnational network Local Governments for Sustainability (Iclei), and the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, was the first to enact a law on the subject. In this context, we aimed to identify the extent to which the town’s participation in the Iclei’s campaign Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) influenced on the formulation and implementation of local policies on climate changes. We used the qualitative research method, by analyzing formal documents and semi-structured interviews with actors of the municipal public administration and the third sector. We found out that, in the case under analysis, Iclei has partly influenced on local action in climate changes, since there already existed actions by the City Hall prior to joining the network; however, Iclei has contributed to strengthen the local capacity to act with regard to the set of problems.


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Almeida, L. de A., Silva, M. A. da R., & Pessoa, R. A. C. (2013). Participation in transnational networks and the formulation of local policies on climate changes: the case of Palmas. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 47(6), 1429 a 1450. Retrieved from