The voice of the beneficiary: an analysis of the effectiveness of the Bolsa Família Program

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Michelle Costa Marques dos Santos
Antonio Gouveia Junior
Paulo Roberto Marques de Oliveira
Daniel Reis Armond de Melo
Waldemar Antonio da Rocha de Souza


This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF), from the perspective of the beneficiaries of this cash transfer program. In order to do it, it was developed a qualitative-quantitative research with 50 beneficiaries and the outcome was analyzed using the collective subject discourse (DSC) methodology, developed by Lefèvre and Lefèvre (2003). From the discourse’s analysis, it was verified that the beneficiary perceives as a result of his inclusion in PBF an income increasing and improvements on their family’s life quality. However, there were flaws regarding the perception of some objectives of the program, especially related to sustained emancipation of families.


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Santos, M. C. M. dos, Gouveia Junior, A., Oliveira, P. R. M. de, Melo, D. R. A. de, & Souza, W. A. da R. de. (2014). The voice of the beneficiary: an analysis of the effectiveness of the Bolsa Família Program. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 48(6), 1381 a 1405. Retrieved from