The public administration on the collective management of administrative morality and of the public heritage: the role of public advocacy

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Marcelo Rodrigues Mazzei
Marcelo Tarlá Lorenzi
Henrique Parisi Pazeto
Sebastião Sérgio da Silveira
Zaiden Geraige Neto


This study aims to analyze the performance of the Brazilian public advocacy in the collective defense of administrative morality and public heritage. It will be superficially studied the structure of national public advocacy at local, state and federal level, with emphasis on its institutional development to its current paradigm. The major problems for the defense of administrative morality and public property by public law will also be studied, such as the lack of functional, administrative and financial autonomy, political interference in technical and formal exercise of career and the permanence of some public advocates of the old functional framework based on the submission and neglect of the problems presented. Finally, it will be presented some procedural and extra-procedural instruments available for public advocacy to promote the defense of public assets and the control of morality in administrative acts.


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How to Cite
Mazzei, M. R., Lorenzi, M. T., Pazeto, H. P., Silveira, S. S. da, & Geraige Neto, Z. (2015). The public administration on the collective management of administrative morality and of the public heritage: the role of public advocacy. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 49(3), 699 a 717. Retrieved from