The introduction of the health economic industrial complex in the development agenda: an analysis from Kingdon’s multiple streams model

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Antoine Metten
Laís Silveira Costa
Carlos Augusto Grabois Gadelha
Jose Maldonado


The health care complex refers to all productive base involved in service provision, promotion and health surveillance. It involves both the secondary sector of economy, as the chemical-based industries, biotechnology, mechanics and materials, and the tertiary, which includes services rendered in health establishments. Such complex mobilizes a series of technologies relevant to the competitive insertion in the global economy, represents a significant part of the national GDP and it is a source of jobs and income, which is why health care economic importance has been increasingly institutionalized in the national development agenda. This article aims to analyze the introduction of this complex in Brasil Maior Plan priorities, given that health responds to different factors pertaining to both the political situation and the choice made by decision makers among many options of public policies, but also to socioeconomic problems observed in health. Those elements will be studied through the use of the theoretical framework of multiple streams model, using as a method of analysis the confrontation of streams of problems, solutions and macro political context. The main results of the study indicate that the decision to incorporate the health economic industrial complex to Brasil Maior Plan priorities is the result of a renewed approach of health care, both at the  cognitive and institutional level, in which it is understood as a citizen’s right, an economic and social good as well as a space for capital accumulation.


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How to Cite
Metten, A., Costa, L. S., Gadelha, C. A. G., & Maldonado, J. (2015). The introduction of the health economic industrial complex in the development agenda: an analysis from Kingdon’s multiple streams model. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 49(4), 915 a 936. Retrieved from