Necessary pillars for autonomous decentralization without cooptation of the central power: exploring the Chilean process of decentralization

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Esteban Valenzuela
Fabián Pressacco
Ignacio Cienfuegos
Francesco Penaglia


The debate on decentralization in Chile has taken a new impulse, mainly through the demands of many regionalist collective actions that took place since 2011. These social movements have established a “new cycle”, redefining, at some point, the relations between state and society. This period has confronted different positions on how to achieve decentralization that should accomplish two important objectives: developing the necessary autonomy and competences that would avoid the capture of subnational entities by local mafias and, at the same time, generate a decentralization process that prevent cooptation and control from the central government. Therefore, this article is an exploratory-descriptive research based on theory, which seeks to identify the key elements of success for a non-cooptative decentralization process in Chile. In that sense, we conclude the main three central pillars for this purpose are: strengthening and financial autonomy; participation and territorial democratization; and the process of institutionalization.


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How to Cite
Valenzuela, E., Pressacco, F., Cienfuegos, I., & Penaglia, F. (2015). Necessary pillars for autonomous decentralization without cooptation of the central power: exploring the Chilean process of decentralization. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 49(5), 1083 a 1106. Retrieved from