Converting conventional horticulture into organic

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Renato Linhares de Assis
Ademar Ribeiro Romeiro


This article analyzes the process of converting conventional horticulture into organic systems. The study was based on a research made with organic farmers commercializing their produce in specialized organic markets. The State has always been absent, having no dissemination policy for organic farming methods, thus contributing for the sector¿s ¿independent stance¿. This situation and the specific technological and commercial dynamics of organic horticulture also explain why the farmers have a low demand for state support, whatever their socio-economic level. The article emphasizes the fact that public polices for converting conventional into organic practices are more likely to be successful with family farmers, due to the higher demand of labor by organic farming, which is more costly for those who resort to hired help.


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How to Cite
Assis, R. L. de, & Romeiro, A. R. (2007). Converting conventional horticulture into organic. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 41(5), 863 a 886. Retrieved from

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