Participating in river basin management: the case of the Lake Guaíba Committee

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Rafael Kruter Flores
Maria Ceci Misoczky


Management models for water resources have been under transformation in many countries, becoming steadily more complex. The system adopted by the Brazilian law is characterized by decentralization, planning by basin, use of economic and regulatory instruments, and by social participation. This case study analyzes the participatory process of the Lake Guaíba Committee (Comitê Lago Guaíba), part of the Rio Grande do Sul State System of Water Resources (Sistema Estadual de Recursos Hídricos do Rio Grande do Sul). The study focuses on the roles of players with different interests in the basin planning. As methodological procedure, minutes from 2001/2002 Committee meetings, concepts, typologies, and factors associated with participation success, as suggested by many authors, were all analyzed. Based on attendance participation levels and during the meeting, the study indicated neglectful and active members, besides characterizing the influence of society and the role of the state government. The effective participation of civil society groups and organizations, as well as water consumers, in the committee¿s decisions was a positive point in the case study, although the state government did not participate in the committee¿s process.


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How to Cite
Flores, R. K., & Misoczky, M. C. (2008). Participating in river basin management: the case of the Lake Guaíba Committee. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 42(1), 109 a 132. Retrieved from