In search of an ecodevelopment-oriented rationality: an exploratory study of sustainable tourism and entrepreneurial social responsibility projects

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Vanessa S. Fraga de Souza
Carlos Alberto Cioce Sampaio


We are overcoming a development model that privileges the privatization of shortand mid-term profits and the socialization of long-term losses. This kind of development has been indicated as economically unsustainable on the long term even for the minority that benefits from it. This article analyzes organizational decisionmaking processes that try to overcome the utilitarian economic rationality and incorporate other models promoting ecodevelopment. It presents an exploratory study of projects that claim to promote sustainable tourism and entrepreneurial social responsibility. Even though there could be more mistakes than successes, these projects have incorporated both concepts. One must consider that, in a time of paradigmatic changes as we live today, one must not analyze new experiences too closely because there is the risk of disregarding elements that could bring new concepts or that are still under construction.


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How to Cite
Souza, V. S. F. de, & Sampaio, C. A. C. (2006). In search of an ecodevelopment-oriented rationality: an exploratory study of sustainable tourism and entrepreneurial social responsibility projects. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 40(3), 411 a 426. Retrieved from