Hydropolitics and federalism: possibilities of building subsidiarity in Brazilian water management?

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Sandra Inês Baraglio Granja
Jeroen Warner


This article reflects on how Brazil¿s water policy can be reconciled with its federalist setup, and on how the model of subsidiarity in national water management can be developed, considering that the boundaries of the mandates of the administrative patchwork of 26 states, over 5,500 local authorities and the Federal District do not coincide with the logical boundaries of water management (basins). It discusses how the political system relates to the basin management forums, essentially as democratically elected representatives of government agencies, who sit on of the basin committee. Given that water is a basic necessity in the daily lives of millions of Brazilians, which key variables need to be taken into consideration in this debate? The article advocates a cooperative kind of federalism as a lever for subsidiarity in water management.


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How to Cite
Granja, S. I. B., & Warner, J. (2006). Hydropolitics and federalism: possibilities of building subsidiarity in Brazilian water management?. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 40(6), 1097 a 1121. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/6873