Social security: factors that explain the results

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Anderson Ribeiro Leite
Walter Lee Ness Jr.
Marcelo Cabus Klotzle


This article presents a set of factors that explain the financial results of the General Social Security Regime in Brazil, focusing on revenue, benefit and global results. To test the findings encountered in the literature, monthly time series of the selected factors were used in addition to revenues, benefits and the global financial result covering the period from 1995 to 2006. The results confirmed the influence of demographic factors, minimum wages, salaries, informal labor and unemployment on revenues, benefits and the global financial result of the GSSR.


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How to Cite
Leite, A. R., Ness Jr., W. L., & Klotzle, M. C. (2010). Social security: factors that explain the results. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 44(2), 437 a 457. Retrieved from