The tax distribution of resources of ICMS in the municipalities of metropolitan region of Curitiba

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Maurélio Soares
Ely do Carmo Oliveira Gomes
Jorge Ribeiro de Toledo Filho


The knowledge of generation and distribution of public revenue contributes for the transparency of government accounts, for the planning of public budgets and for provide better quality information to various users of public accounting. The conception and importance of application of public revenue measure the ability of governments to fix their spending and, at the time of collection, becomes an instrument constraint of budget execution of expenditure. Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) is one of the major sources of resources, to make budget planning for states and municipalities, from the production and handling of economic wealth. This study investigates the relationship between the collection of ICMS coming from the economic movement of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (RMC) and government transfers of quota-share of ICMS passed by the state government to the municipalities. The results indicate that, despite the dilemmas regarding the distribution of the tax, it is possible to prove the importance that the tax has on fiscal policy and public budgets, especially in small municipalities, in which its existence depends largely on this source of resource.


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How to Cite
Soares, M., Gomes, E. do C. O., & Filho, J. R. de T. (2011). The tax distribution of resources of ICMS in the municipalities of metropolitan region of Curitiba. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 45(2), 459 a 481. Retrieved from