Development analysis of local productive arrangements (LPA): a study case ofParaty (RJ)

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Maria Tatiana da Silva Ferreira
Sheila Santos de Meireles
Marcelo Álvaro da Silva Macedo
Francisco Marcelo Barone
Paulo Roberto de Sant’anna
Luiz Peres Zotes


This paper discusses the development in the municipality of Paraty, through the formation of LPAs, specifically in this case focused on tourism. By the information obtained through interviews and document analysis, we can analyze the region’s potential and show ways to improve their competitiveness, especially regarding the integration and formation of partnerships between business, community and government. In addition, suggestions were made to overcome obstacles, overcome challenges and seize opportunities, based on tourist so that the region becomes competitive in the market of tourist destinations, customizing and expanding the base of tourists through the best use of their natural charms, history and culture. The main results show that Paraty lacks infrastructure improvements to develop local tourism, ranging from the basic sanitation to the best training and qualification of workforce. Moreover, the entire existing structure still can not be effectively considered an LPA, in spite of a network organization of small and medium enterprises focused on sustainable tourism development in the municipality. What becomes clear in terms of networking, is an informal LPA, where nonexistent leadership and inner confidence.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, M. T. da S., Meireles, S. S. de, Macedo, M. Álvaro da S., Barone, F. M., Sant’anna, P. R. de, & Zotes, L. P. (2011). Development analysis of local productive arrangements (LPA): a study case ofParaty (RJ). Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 45(2), 517 a 539. Retrieved from
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