Governance structures in clusters: a comparative study in footwear and sugarcane’s arrangements

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Mário Sacomano Neto
Luiz Fernando de Oriani e Paulillo


Governance in clusters refers to the mode of coordination, control, intervention and participation of actors from the local arrangement. Due to the significant increase in the interest of public policy in local clusters is desirable to understand the mode of coordination, command and stakeholder participation in these arrangements. This paper compares the governance structures in three local productive arrangements (APLs): Birigui (children’s shoes), Jau (women’s shoes) and Piracicaba (APL alcohol). The data collection in institutions and 31 companies of the arrangements, was conducted by in-depth interviews company on site. In the article we identify different influences on the coordination of arrangements, as the government, unions and big business sectors. The survey results reveal: 1) governance had positive interference on cooperation and business development, 2) the potential development of clusters depends largely on the forms of governance, public or private; 3) the governing of local clusters are heterogeneous and complex, and 4) powerful actors holders of coordination arrangements, determine the relationships, resources and rules, proposing new institutional orders. In this sense this paper contributes to the understanding the set of relationships and influential institutions related with the clusters governance.


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How to Cite
Neto, M. S., & e Paulillo, L. F. de O. (2012). Governance structures in clusters: a comparative study in footwear and sugarcane’s arrangements. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 46(4), 1131 a 1155. Retrieved from