Intermunicipal cooperation in Paraopeba river basin

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Fernando Matos
Reinaldo Dias


This article discusses the process of decentralization of power from the federal to the local level, the consortia responsibilities and the factors that complicate and facilitate the inter-municipal cooperation. Consortia have been shown to be an alternative for managing municipal assignments. This managerial model proposes the participation of all social actors in the management of issues of common interest. The work provides an overview of the inter-municipal cooperation, in particular in the basin of Paraopeba — Minas Gerais, Brazil — from the analysis of questionnaires targeted at managers of municipalities. Evidencing an openness on the part of local participation in consortia, whereas 83% of the municipalities of the basin, part of one or more types of inter-municipal arrangements, and also the need to develop actions to improve and/or support cooperation between municipalities.


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How to Cite
Matos, F., & Dias, R. (2012). Intermunicipal cooperation in Paraopeba river basin. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 46(5), 1225 a 1250. Retrieved from