The hard change: notes on State reform and human resources

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Marco Aurélio Nogueira


Considering the changing and uncertain environment typical of this tum of the century, which is responsible for the trends that structure State and society, this paper tries to appraise some of the main challenges posed to the State by a dynamic and differentiated society, dealing with a great number of diffjculties in order to overcome the question of social inclusion. It then discusses public human resources. One of its main conclusions is that the management of human resources, in order to comply with today's demands, must cover much more than "technical" and legal issues. It must be considered in political terms, and its core must be a well conceived and executed formation policy, not only able to train public servants, but capable of boosting a radical change in their attitudes and mentality.


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How to Cite
Nogueira, M. A. (1999). The hard change: notes on State reform and human resources. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 33(6), 61 a 88. Retrieved from