Public-private partnerships in Brazil: the privatization of segments of the infrastructure for goods transportation, on highways and railways, and institutional innovation

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Ana Paula Mussi Szabo Cherobim


This paper intends to show the privatization processes in sections of the infrastructure for goods transportation, especially on highways and raiIways, in course in Brazil, as an institutional innovation in public services. First, it describes the concepts and types of privatization. It shows the instruments to operate the partnerships and characterizes the institutional innovation. It points out the organizational and operational aspects of the innovation, and also shows the similarities and differences between the processes
for highways and railways. Finally, the paper points out the risks that
are inherent to both processes.


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How to Cite
Cherobim, A. P. M. S. (1999). Public-private partnerships in Brazil: the privatization of segments of the infrastructure for goods transportation, on highways and railways, and institutional innovation. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 33(2), 109 a 128. Retrieved from