Social control and public policies: the experience of the management councils

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Claudio Gurgel
Agatha Justen


This paper examines the exercise of social control in Brazil, from the general debate that prompted him, as well as the internal context that led to the creation of institutionalized spaces for your application. The objective is to evaluate the exercise of social control through the Public Policy Management Councils. Through studies conducted by other researchers in Public Policy Management Councils, in the three levels of government, and empirical study, we found that the way it has happened to the exercise of social control in these forums, much moves away from what is expected by law. From this table, we bring contributions to the understanding of this fact and to the advancement of social control itself, understood as a necessary and a high level of democratization of public management in Brazil.


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How to Cite
Gurgel, C., & Justen, A. (2013). Social control and public policies: the experience of the management councils. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 47(2), 357 a 378. Retrieved from