Socioeconomic aspects of organic agriculture in Rio de Janeiro state

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Renato Linhares de Assis
Dryden Castro de Arezzo
Dejair Lopes de Almeida
Helvécio De-Polli


With the growing problem of food contamination, and environmental pollution and degradation due to the current agricultural system, and with the ever increasing offer of organic produce on the market, it is evident that there is a need for agricultural policies which address the interests of this organic production. Although there is some specific requirements for this production, there is a great deal of overlap with the needs of the small producer in general. The aim of this article was to evaluate
some socioeconomic aspects of organic agriculture in Rio de Janeiro state. The interviews conducted in this study confirmed the initial hipothesis that the absence of agricultural policies directed towards organic farmers (technical assistance and rural
credit) limited its spread. On the other hand, the initial idea that organic agriculture was a labour intensive system was rejected. except in the cases of very smalllandholdings. The organic farmers interviewed showed a strong environmental awareness, which together with the fact that they owned land, indicated the possibility that these farmers could function as innovators and agents for the diffusion of conservationist technology.


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How to Cite
Assis, R. L. de, Arezzo, D. C. de, Almeida, D. L. de, & De-Polli, H. (1996). Socioeconomic aspects of organic agriculture in Rio de Janeiro state. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 30(1), 26 a 42. Retrieved from