Human resources and personnel expenditures in the Brazilian public sector: policies recommended

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José Paulo Zeetano Chahad


In its search for stabilization and for the recovery of its economic growth. Brazil has to solve the problem of its public deficit. The solution of such a problem demands, among other measures. a proper disposition of the governmental expenditures in comparison with its payroll. Question that calls for a redefinition of the wage policy to prevail for the civil servants. Of the level and redistribution of employment and also the formation of human resources for the public sector. This article deals with the question, starting by a summary of what is representative of evidences on employment and salary in the Brazilian public sector. The study proceeds with a set of recommendations involving a better adjustment of personnel expenditures. A better orientation for collective negotiations inside the Slate framework and formation of man power destined to the public service.


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How to Cite
Chahad, J. P. Z. (1993). Human resources and personnel expenditures in the Brazilian public sector: policies recommended. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 27(1), 15 a 27. Retrieved from