Explanatory settings of the development of resilience in public administration supply networks

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Laysse Fernanda Macêdo dos Santos
Ricardo Silveira Martins
Jonathan Simões Freitas


Social capital is an important theoretical lens for explaining interorganizational relationships and building resilience in supply networks. This study corroborates this perspective, aiming to identify which attributes of social capital contribute to explaining the development of resilience in public administration supply networks and how they combine in this explanation. A qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, using interviews with the repertoire grid technique for data collection. Data were analyzed using Honey’s content analysis and coincidence analysis (CNA). The research results indicate that social capital proved to be fundamental to developing resilience in supply networks in public administration, through the attributes of sharing technical information, precision in communication, anticipation in communicating relevant information, reciprocity, trust, transparency, and commitment. The originality of the study lies in the use of social capital theory in studies on resilience in public administration and in the adoption of a robust data collection and analysis method that has not yet been explored in research in Brazilian public administration. The main contributions of the study were: (1) to highlight social capital as a multilevel construct that influences the development of resilience, (2) to expand studies on resilience in public administration, (3) to provide information that public managers can use to avoid or minimize the risks that jeopardize the provision of public services, and (4) to adopt an unprecedented research method in the Brazilian public administration.


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How to Cite
Santos, L. F. M. dos, Martins, R. S., & Freitas, J. S. (2023). Explanatory settings of the development of resilience in public administration supply networks. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 57(1), e2022–0209. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-761220220209


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