Ranking of Brazilian courts of auditors: an evaluation from the web standards in electronic government

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Paloma Maria Santos
Marciele Berger Bernardes
Aires José Rover
Orides Mezzaroba


Over the past decade, the federal government has coordinated and articulated actions to implement projects with emphasis on initiatives to use ICTs in their relations with citizens, private sector and society in general. Considering a strong movement to put the citizen at the center of this process, this article attempts, from a quantitative/qualitative research, verify on what stage of evolution are the sites of governmental Brazilian courts of auditors. From this analysis it was possible to map points to be improved and to establish a ranking of the sites, in view of the right of access, availability of information, participation and monitoring the implementation of public policies.


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How to Cite
Santos, P. M., Bernardes, M. B., Rover, A. J., & Mezzaroba, O. (2013). Ranking of Brazilian courts of auditors: an evaluation from the web standards in electronic government. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 47(3), 721 a 744. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/9000