In search of new management models: homogeneous diagnostic groups and hospital management

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Francisco Campos Braga Neto
Cláudio Travassos Veras
Marina Ferreira Noronha
Monica Martins
Iuri Leite


This article discusses the use of the patient classification system at acute care hospitals - Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) - as a method for Hospital Management. The author presents the basic principles about the process of hospital production used as framework for the development of DRG. He also explains the hospital management model based on this system. Finally he analyses the theoretical potentialities of this method and emphasizes the need for empirically testing this model.


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How to Cite
Braga Neto, F. C., Veras, C. T., Noronha, M. F., Martins, M., & Leite, I. (1990). In search of new management models: homogeneous diagnostic groups and hospital management. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 24(4), 87 a 94. Retrieved from