Niterói project: an attempt to recover from recent history

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Neuza Maria Nogueira Moysés


The author presents the recent events concerning the development of Projeto Niterói, with the evolution of Ações Integradas de Saúde-AIS (Integrated Health Actions) in Niter6i, located in Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area. The introduction of the paper reveals historical and geographic aspects of the city, besides a description of the medical equipment of its health care system. Following a report is made on the process of construction of Projeto Niterói, the formal means that consolidated the proposition and its management. Finally, an evaluation of the process as a whole is presented.


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How to Cite
Moysés, N. M. N. (1989). Niterói project: an attempt to recover from recent history. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 23(1), 46 a 63. Retrieved from

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