The editorial process of the Brazilian Journal of Public Administration (RAP), from manuscript submission to publication decision, involves several parties: author(s), editor-in-chief, associate editors, editorial board, reviewers Ad Hoc, and editorial team – thus, complying with the ethical standards applied by the journal at all stages of the editorial process is mandatory.

As a journal with national and international reach, is grounded in the ethical practices provided for by the regulations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD), The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and the Commission for Integrity in Scientific Activity, which establish parameters for good editorial practices.

RAP editorial policies commit to the Declaration On Research Assessment (DORA) and the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).

Each member of the journal’s Editorial Structure, while pursuing her/his duties, takes responsibilities based on ethical practices concerning gender relations, religion, and politics, ensuring her/his neutrality throughout the editorial process.

Actions applied by the journal in accordance with the ethical standards

Ethical guidelines mandatory for Authors

The author(s) should observe the ethical and practical guidelines, under penalty of sanctions imposed by the editors and the editorial team, which can suspend or revoke the publication privileges at any stage of the editorial process, as well as to request clarifications and/or further review of the article.

Ethical guidelines mandatory for the Editorial Board and Reviewers Ad Hoc

The editorial board and the reviewers who work in the analysis of manuscripts selected for their assessment should be free of conflicts of interest related to the research and/or research funders, not acting at a personal level and observing proper conduct to present their arguments and recommendations to the author(s). They should accept for assessment only the manuscripts that fall into their field of practice/expertise, to ensure a coherent and relevant expert opinion.

⮞ Ethical guidelines mandatory for the Editorial Team

The editorial team should preserve the anonymity of everyone involved in the editorial process and have no conflicts of interest related to the rejection or approval of a manuscript throughout the editorial process.

• Copyright

The contents of the signed articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. When submitting the article, the author(s) guarantee(s) that it does not contain any infringement of any copyright or other third-party right. The journal follows the Creative Commons (CC BY). This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator.

• Plagiarism

Safeguarding the editorial ethics of the studies submitted and published, RAP uses the software for checking content similarity/plagiarism (Crossref Similarity Check). Also, it resorts to the collaboration of expert reviewers, who, during the double-blind review, notify the editorial team about any significant similarity between the manuscript submitted and articles already published or simultaneously submitted to other journals, as well as other information deemed relevant.

• Editorial transparency

Every stage of the editorial process, estimated deadlines, etc. are informed in the flowchart, available on the journal webpage for the internal and external audiences (editorial board, authors, readers). The annual statistical data may also be accessed by the journal’s regulation and classification agencies and the academic community as a whole.

• Article's originality

Articles submitted must be unpublished, either in Brazil or abroad. Also, they must not be under a publication process of any kind (for journals, magazines, and other vehicles of knowledge dissemination), except when the research portrayed in the article was presented in scientific congresses, doctoral dissertations, master thesis, and preprints. The articles’ content is the author’s exclusive responsibility. When submitting an article, authors declare that the manuscript does not violate copyrights or third-party rights. Citing other articles without previous authorization is allowed if the source is duly identified.

• Statement of Responsibility and Copyright

Before the official publication of the article on the journal webpage and indexers, the journal is responsible for sending the final version of the manuscript for approval of publication by the author(s), along with the nominal Statement of Responsibility and Copyright (institutional internal model), for signing and validation.

• Retraction

The procedures adopted by RAP for filing and publishing errata, retractions, and addendums are based on the standards provided by the indexer and publisher SciELO, which follow the guidelines of the main committees of scientific ethics, indexing, and publication. The main source within the journal field consists of the COPE’s retraction guidelines.