Is it a bank for all?

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Angelo Miguel de Barros
Eduardo de Jesus Prado Junior
Renato Silva Siqueira
Rodrigo Luiz Sias de Azevedo
Thiago Gomes do Nascimento


This teaching case addresses the dilemma faced by the newly elected president of Utopia regarding the future of the country’s main public bank. Amid a divided and polarized nation, much is said about the privatization vs. nationalization dilemma. In this process, the president of Utopia decided to deepen his knowledge of traditional schools of thought to find the best path for the future of the public bank, called Bank X. The case presents striking characteristics of Marxist and Keynesian thought, in addition to exploring some of the main thinkers of liberalism, such as Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek. It also addresses the relevance of a financial institution in implementing public policies and its effects in supporting the economic management of a country.


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How to Cite
BARROS, A. M. de; PRADO JUNIOR, E. de J.; SIQUEIRA, R. S.; AZEVEDO, R. L. S. de; NASCIMENTO, T. G. do. Is it a bank for all?. Revista Tecnológica de Administração, Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 1, p. 82–106, 2024. DOI: 10.12660/reta.v1n1.2024.91481. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.
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