Organizations as processes and Actor-Network Theory: John Law’s contribution to Organizational Studies

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Maria Fernanda Rios Cavalcanti
Rafael Alcadipani


In recent years, much has been debated about alternatives to the so called “representational approaches” in studies of organizations. Such discussions usually highlight the procedural and fluid aspect of the organization,which cannot be taken as having an end or a static object and, thus, it requires other ways to exploit and understand its phenomenon. An approach emerging with considerable popularity is the Actor-Network Theory (ANT). However, this approach has been the target of much criticism, which is mainly related to an alleged lack of political and/or critical nature or potential. Given this context, this article aims to face such criticism to ideas forged in empirical works carried out by one of the authors who spread and triggered more discussions about ANT in Organizational Studies: John Law. By doing so, we intend, here, to contribute with means for a better understanding of the ANT applicability to studies of organizations, highlighting points that must be taken into account so that it does not collapse because of the criticism aimed at it; besides, we discuss some implications of this approach in empirical works.


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How to Cite
Cavalcanti, M. F. R., & Alcadipani, R. (2013). Organizations as processes and Actor-Network Theory: John Law’s contribution to Organizational Studies. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 11(4), 556 a 568. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Rios Cavalcanti, FGV-EAESP

Doutoranda em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas/EAESP; Endereço: Rua General Osório, 1542, CEP: 13010-111, Campinas-SP, Brasil. Email:

Rafael Alcadipani, FGV-EAESP

PhD em Business Administration pela Manchester Business School; Professor adjunto da Fundação Getúlio Vargas/EAESP; Pesquisador visitante na University of Manchester; Professor Visitante no Gothemburg Research Institute. Enderço: Rua Itapeva, 474, 11º andar, Departamento de Administração, CEP: 01332-000, Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP. Email:

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