Brand attachment importance to corporate social responsibility causes adherence

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Annaysa Salvador Muniz Kamiya
José Mauro da Costa Hernandez
Agnne Karoline S. Xavier
Débora Beserra Ramos


This study examines the joint effect of brand-cause congruence, brand attachment, and attitude toward corpo­rate social responsibility (CSR) on the intention of consumers to adhere to causes sponsored by a brand. The results of two experiments suggest that when consumer attitude toward such causes is less positive and atta­chment to the brand is low, the intention to adhere to a CSR cause is greater when the brand is congruent to the cause than when it is incongruent; if consumer brand attachment is high, the intention to adhere to the cause is the same, regardless of brand-cause congruence. On the other hand, if consumer attitude toward the cause is more positive, brand attachment does not moderate the effect of brand-cause congruence on the intention to adhere to the cause. The perception of persuasive intent mediates the influence of brand-cause congruence on the intention to adhere for consumers with low brand attachment, but not for those with high brand attachment.


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How to Cite
KAMIYA, A. S. M.; HERNANDEZ, J. M. da C.; XAVIER, A. K. S.; RAMOS, D. B. Brand attachment importance to corporate social responsibility causes adherence. RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 58, n. 6, p. 564–575, 2018. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020180605. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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