Intertextual virality and vernacular repertoires: Internet memes as objects connecting different online worlds

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Maria Carolina Zanette
Izidoro Blikstein
Luca M. Visconti


This work describes the trajectory of Internet memes, their main characteristics, and their relationship with the fields of virality literature and cultural production research. We explore the historical trajectory of internet memes and identify their constitutional features (vernacularism, virality, and intertextuality). We also propose that memes are objects that act as provocateurs; this is because they are carriers of meaning that reflect the repertoires of closed communities. However, they acquire new reflected repertoi­res in the process of being transmitted intertextually among consumers. As such, this work both clarifies the intertemporal and logical interdependencies between online cultural production and virality, as well as unveil the linking power of vernacular backgrounds and shared expressive practices (in our context, elaboration of common memes) for online consumer collectivities.


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ZANETTE, M. C.; BLIKSTEIN, I.; VISCONTI, L. M. Intertextual virality and vernacular repertoires: Internet memes as objects connecting different online worlds. RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 59, n. 3, p. 157–169, 2019. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020190302. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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