Masculinities and femininities in the sky: The gender project(s) of flight attendants’ careers

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Aline Mendonça Fraga
Sidinei Rocha de Oliveira (in memoriam)


This article retakes the interactionist bases of career studies to analyze the construction of gender project(s), regarding masculinities and femininities, in flight attendants’ career. We used a qualitative-oriented research methodology divided into five main stages: documentary and bibliographical research; 16 months of general immersion field observation and journaling; specific immersion field observation, participating in a flight attendants’ training course; collection of 23 professionals’ biographies; and construction and analysis of thematic narratives. The information was analyzed by the collective narratives’ perspective in three relational moments: training, joining an airline, and daily career. The discussions point to the necessity of constructing career projects as gender projects, and the potential for individual metamorphosis by emphasizing and embodying masculinities and femininities, as well as trajectories negotiations in the field of possibilities – temporal, dynamic, and contextual dimensions. The research findings broaden the debate on gendered careers and bring an original methodological and theoretical contribution to collective careers.


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How to Cite
MENDONÇA FRAGA, A.; ROCHA DE OLIVEIRA (IN MEMORIAM) , S. . Masculinities and femininities in the sky: The gender project(s) of flight attendants’ careers. RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 62, n. 3, p. e2020–0890, 2022. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020220309. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


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