Focus and Scope

RAE is based on an international community of researchers, professors, and students, interested in creating knowledge that contributes to developing solutions to the great challenges faced by organizations and contemporary society.

RAE is a generalist journal in the field of Management, covering a broad spectrum of knowledge domains, perspectives, and themes.

٠ RAE publishes theoretical development articles, empirical works, bibliographic reviews, and position papers. 

٠ RAE does not publish articles of restricted interest, texts on research methods, articles on Public Administration or Public Policies, book reviews, texts on teaching and learning, and teaching cases

RAE covers the traditional fields of management knowledge, such as strategy, operations, marketing, finance, information technology, and people management; as well as emerging fields, which eventually cross over to established fields such as sustainability, entrepreneurship, digitization, and data science.


RAE bases its editorial decisions on the following principles:

٠ Promotion of the organizational and societal impact of the research.

٠ Focus on topics of great relevance to organizations and society.

٠ Promotion of the connection between theory and practice.

٠ Guarantee of methodological rigor.

٠ Recognition of the plurality of approaches and paradigms.

٠ Recognition of the particularities of developing countries.

٠ Recognition and respect for authors, reviewers and associate editors.

٠ Promotion of objective and direct scientific language.

RAE aligns with:

٠ The UN Sustainable Development Goals.

٠ The Open Science movement.

٠ The Responsible Research movement.


RAE seeks to publish content that has an impact on science, organizations and society and invites its community to submit the following contributions:

٠ Theoretical articles that explore emerging and relevant phenomena innovatively and creatively, contributing to their understanding, preferably with assumptions that can be tested in the future. The articles must explain how the new theories may contribute to the improvement of managerial practices in the future.

٠ Empirical articles, which test and/or develop existing theories, or develop new theories. Articles must clearly explain the implications of their findings for managerial practices.

٠ Literature review articles, which synthesize and integrate recent advances in topics of great relevance to organizations and society. Articles should present a critical view of the state of the art and point out ways for future developments.

٠ Positioning articles, which defend a position on an issue of great importance, defending the arguments in a structured and well-founded way. Articles must present a clear connection with managerial practice.

٠ Calls for papers dealing with phenomena and issues of great relevance to organizations and society, preferably related to Sustainable Development Goals. The calls for paper have to define and contextualize the topic, establish questions to be explored and inform the basic theoretical framework.

Open Science

RAE is committed to the core values of Open Science, promoting the publication of research results with quality and integrity, as a collective benefit, with equity and justice, and with diversity and inclusion.

RAE also adheres to the Open Science criteria recommended by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO):

٠ Provides open access content.

٠RAE does not charge publication fees to authors (APC - Article Processing Charge) or any other fees for submission or processing.

٠ Accepts articles published in preprints repositories (for example, SciELO Preprints, SSRN (Social Science Research Network), OSF Preprints (Open Science Framework Preprints), Zenodo, arXiv, PeerJ Preprints, SOC ARXIV ) and encourages authors to anticipate the release of previous versions of their work, and is in this way contributing to the dissemination of research and for peer-to-peer collaborations.

٠ Recommends that authors deposit data and all research materials in data repositories, contributing to the storage, access and sharing of data.

٠ Discloses the identity of the associate editor responsible for the evaluation process in the published article.

٠ Offers the possibility of disclosure of the identity of the reviewers responsible for the evaluation in the published article.

٠ Offers the option of publishing the reviewer report of articles with or without the disclosure of the identity of the reviewers.

٠ RAE adheres to the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines include a set of directives that guide the reporting of information on sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and the results and interpretation of findings. Furthermore, RAE observes a gender equity policy in forming its editorial board.


Manuscripts can be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Accepted articles are published in English and in Portuguese or Spanish.

Articles submitted for publication in RAE must be original and must not be under consideration by any other journal. Articles from papers presented at scientific conferences and theses are accepted.

To submit manuscripts, access this link.

Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to RAE pass through the following stages:

٠ Preliminary format compliance.

٠ Similarity tracking, supported by the iThenticate system.

٠ Assessment of alignment with the scope of RAE and publication potential, by the Editor-in-Chief.

٠ Assessment of the contribution to a specific area by the Associate Editor or an invited research specialist.

٠ Peer review by two reviewers; in case of discrepancies in the comments and suggestions, a third one can be added.

٠ Communication with the authors is mediated by the Associate Editor or an invited specialist researcher.

Publication Process

Once approved, the article is submitted for editing and spelling and grammar review.

The editorial office sends the final version for approval to the authors.

Articles in Portuguese or Spanish must be translated by the authors, to ensure bilingual publication.

RAE is an online journal in continuous publication flow, aiming at speed in article dissemination, with six editions per year.

Intellectual property

RAE is committed to protecting the author's intellectual rights and:

٠ Adopts the Creative Commons BY (CC-BY) license on all texts it publishes, except when there is an indication of specific copyright holders and assets.

٠ Assures the authors' moral rights and use of the article, according to Creative Commons BY (CC-BY). The author retains the copyright of the published article and the journal has the right of first publication.

٠ Recommends the use of CRediT authorship criteria (Contributor Roles


٠ Uses the iThenticate similarity tracking system.

٠ Adopts actions to combat plagiarism and ethical misconduct, in line with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors' responsibility

The content of signed articles is the sole responsibility of the authors. The authors guarantee that the manuscript does not contain any copyright infringement or copyright of third parties, and that the article has not been submitted for publication in any other journal.

Processes regarding copyright policy and best practices for articles published in RAE are also described in the Participation Rules, which authors must read and accept when submitting a contribution to the journal.

Digital Preservation

The RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas follows the standards defined in the Digital Preservation Policy of the SciELO Program.

Additionally, RAE uses the LOCKSS system, developed by Stanford University, to create a distributed archive among participating libraries. This system allows these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

RAE is also part of the Cariniana Network of Digital Preservation Services of IBICT, which provides preservation for any journal in the Open Journal System (OJS) in Brazil. It is also included in deposit policy directories, such as Diadorim.


Author Guidelines

RAE Code of Ethics

For more information, write to: