
RAE's mission is to encourage an international community of academics from developing countries to create, improve and test theories – and business practices based on them – aligned with its reality and focused on the new times.

Vision 2030

An international community of researchers:

٠ Producing and disseminating impactful research in science, organizations, and society.

٠ Contributing to the solution of problems that affect organizations and society in developing countries.

٠ Pointing out new themes and research paths.

٠ Working to promote a connection between theory and practice.


٠ Promotion of the organizational and societal impact of the research.

٠ Focus on topics of great relevance to organizations and society.

٠ Promotion of the connection between theory and practice.

٠ Guarantee of methodological rigor.

٠ Recognition of the plurality of approaches and paradigms.

٠ Recognition of the particularities of developing countries.

٠ Recognition and respect for authors, reviewers and associate editors.

٠ Promotion of objective and direct scientific language.

Our story

Launched in 1961, RAE supported the development of administrative thinking in Brazil and the consolidation of the profession of administrator.

RAE began its internationalization in the 2000s, prioritizing Ibero-American nations and developing countries.

Timeline highlights:

٠ 2002: the beginning of internationalization, with the participation of foreign members in the reviewer board and publication of articles by renowned authors from abroad.

٠ 2003: adherence to the principles of Open Science, initiated with open access to all content produced since the journal's creation.

٠ 2003-2010: approval by the main indexers of world journals, such as Journal Citation Reports, Web of Science/Clarivate, Scopus/Elsevier, Directory of Open Science Journals (DOAJ), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO Brasil) – among more than 30 worldwide indexers.

٠ 2016: Approval by COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics, a world reference institution in quality, rigor, and exemplary practices in scientific publishing.

٠ 2021: inclusion in the AJG/ABS ranking, a world ranking of journals in the area of Administration, published by the Association of Business School, United Kingdom.

٠ 2021-2022: Adherence to Open Science: continuous publication flow; encouraging authors and reviewers to disclose their identity and publish the peer review report; recommending authors to make data available.

Our publisher

RAE is published by Fundacao Getulio Vargas School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP), the first business administration school created in Brazil, in 1954, and currently the only holder of triple international accreditation: AACSB, EFMD, and AMBA.

FGV EAESP has 240 professors and around 4,000 students in undergraduate, executive graduate, and academic graduate programs.

The institution has 20 applied research centers and is recognized for its organizational and social impact, having received the EFMD Business School Impact System (BSIS) certificate in 2021.

In addition to RAE, FGV EAESP publishes four more journals, all with open access:

٠ CGPC – Cadernos de Gestão Pública e Cidadania, an academic journal focused on public management and public policies.

٠ GV-executivo, a journal aimed at managers and administration professors.

٠ GVcasos, a journal specialized in teaching cases and texts on teaching and learning in administration.

٠ RIC – Journal of Scientific Initiation, a specific journal for the publication of works by young scientists in the field of public administration and companies.