Factors increasing case disposition time in Brazil

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Caio Castelliano
Tomas Aquino Guimaraes
Adalmir de Oliveira Gomes


Judicial delay in Brazil is a severe and persistent problem. This work helps to understand the causes of this issue, by identifying and discussing 12 factors that increase the length of the judicial process in the country. These factors were identified through content analysis of interviews with 15 key players in the Brazilian justice system, including judges, prosecutors, and lawyers. Each factor was discussed based on academic literature, official reports, and performance indicators. The research findings show that factors such as the low cost of filling, the absence of punishment for repetitive litigants, and tax foreclosures promote an overload of processes in the courts. The Judiciary also seems to be burdened with attributions beyond the jurisdictional function, such as collecting evidence and locating debtors and assets. The excess of disputes and assignments has made the Brazilian judicial machine large, slow, and expensive. Public policies to reduce judicial delays in the country are suggested.


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How to Cite
Castelliano, C., Guimaraes, T. A., & Gomes, A. de O. (2024). Factors increasing case disposition time in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 58(2), e2023–0175. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-761220230175
Forum: Practical Perspectives


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