Interdisciplinarity in medical education: the Famema experience

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Ricardo Shoiti Komatsu
Roberto de Queiroz Padilha
Gilson Caleman


The development of the new curriculum at Marilia Medical School (Famema), in the city of Marília, São Paulo, Brazil, organized by educational units, constitutes a new interdisciplinary practice. All educational units are developed by an interdisciplinary team of 10 to 15 teachers from different disciplines and with distinct backgrounds. Each team builds the learning objectives and the educational problems, and organizes learning resources and pre-programmed practical activities. Two professors work as coordinators of the process, and the teams receive educational advice. The result of the process is the creation of educational units that are not a curricular reflex of one discipline or a disciplinary practice, but of multiple disciplines, in an interdisciplinary practice.


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How to Cite
Komatsu, R. S., Padilha, R. de Q., & Caleman, G. (2000). Interdisciplinarity in medical education: the Famema experience. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 34(6), 81 a 93. Retrieved from