Local development management, construction times and paces: what the practices indicate

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Maria Suzana Moura
Vanessa Paternostro Melo
Rocío Castro
Ludmila Meira
José Albertino Carvalho Lordêlo


This paper is based on a collective work of teachers and students who, in different ways, have been involved with research, education, extension and advisory activities related to local development. The purpose is to reflect on what has been done by local development official organisms and nongovernmental organizations in Brazilian towns. The empirical references are the experiences of Pintadas and Novo Horizonte, both towns in the state of Bahia: the first was promoted by agents of the Pastoral da Terra (Land Pastorate), civil society organizations and the municipal government; the second was coordinated by the state government, which represents the federal government¿s Integrated and Sustainable Local Development Program. Initially, the paper explains the context and analyzes the theoretical landmarks that support such experiences. After that, it presents the basic features of each experience. Finally, the analysis of the differences and similarities between them points out ambiguities and possibilities of what has been woven as local development.


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How to Cite
Moura, M. S., Melo, V. P., Castro, R., Meira, L., & Lordêlo, J. A. C. (2002). Local development management, construction times and paces: what the practices indicate. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 36(4), 609 a 627. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/6455

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