Research and scientific production in health economics in Brazil

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Eli Iola Gurgel Andrade
Francisco de Assis Acúrcio
Mariangela Leal Cherchiglia
Soraya Almeida Belisário
Augusto Afonso Guerra Júnior
Daniele Araújo Campos Szuster
Daniel Resende Faleiros
Hugo Vocurca Teixeira
Grazzielle Dias da Silva
Thiago Santos Taveira


This article presents a diagnosis of the health economics (HE) in Brazil, based on a survey of HE research groups currently registered in the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), as well as an inventory of the Brazilian scientific production in HE, published between January 1999 and June 2004, available in the Bireme Virtual Health Library (Paho/WHO). It describes the data considering geographic regions, types of institution and topics of research. Of the research groups with works related to HE subject matters, 48 have very diversified activities, concentrated in the Southeastern region of the country. Only 14% (376) of the 2.617 publications that had been evaluated were related to HE. Most of the studies were published in 2002 and their main topics were management, financing, allocative efficiency and equity in the distribution of health resources. The diagnosis allows the identification of important aspects that help understand the development of the HE field in Brazil between 1999 and 2004.


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Andrade, E. I. G., Acúrcio, F. de A., Cherchiglia, M. L., Belisário, S. A., Júnior, A. A. G., Szuster, D. A. C., Faleiros, D. R., Teixeira, H. V., Silva, G. D. da, & Taveira, T. S. (2007). Research and scientific production in health economics in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 41(2), 211 a 236. Retrieved from