Benefits from the use of information technology for corporate performance

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Alberto Luiz Albertin
Rosa Maria de Moura Albertin


Information technology (IT) has been considered one of the most important com- ponents in the current business environment, offering opportunities for companies that successfully take advantage of its benefits. The main purpose of this article is to present the IT usage dimensions and the relationship between the benefits offered by using information technology and business performance, based on the structure of its benefits in business performance. The used methodology is a case study in a leading company that has a significant IT investment, and which, as a result of this study, started using this tool for evaluating and monitoring its costs and investments in this technology. The contribution is the identification of the benefits offered by the use of IT and the relationship with business performance, offering important insights to its management.


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How to Cite
Albertin, A. L., & Albertin, R. M. de M. (2008). Benefits from the use of information technology for corporate performance. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 42(2), 275 a 302. Retrieved from