Dynamic capabilities and interaction rituals between top and middle managers: a framework proposal

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Cristiano de Oliveira Maciel
Kawana Harue Sato
Heitor Takashi Kato


This article was developed considering environmental uncertainty, in which the agenda or strategic issue (strategic issue) is the innovation of resources, i.e., upgrading, renovation or development of a new functional capacity (ordinary). The aim of this work is to develop a framework to encompass the role dynamic capabilities plays in the innovation of organizational assets in such environmental context. We propose an alternate perspective of analysis from a microsociological strand, which uses the interaction rituals components from Collins (2004). This perspective offers possibilities to investigate the influence of strategic talks on the organizational innovation capacity which take place amid ritual practices of interaction between top and middle managers of an organization. To create the theoretical articulation in the paper we present an analytical framework that brings the uncertainty on the macro variables and organizational behavior, at the micro level, as the most salient elements of ritual interaction. Aiming to stimulate further studies and better understanding, we present the propositions about the relations of the model after detailing the analytical framework.


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How to Cite
Maciel, C. de O., Sato, K. H., & Kato, H. T. (2012). Dynamic capabilities and interaction rituals between top and middle managers: a framework proposal. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 46(2), 599 a 618. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/7100