Urban environment and quality of life in Salvador

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Paulo Rogério Guimarães da Silva
Antônio Sérgio Araújo Fernandes


This paper investigates the urban environment from a social point of view, electing several social actors and their practices as individual and collective agents of environmental degradation/protection. It analyzes the environment as a daily issue in Brazilian large cities and its perception by the people directly involved, in contrast with the inadequacy of governmental actions in this field. The paper highlights the agents' discourses and daily practices. trying to reconstruct the relationships that guide the knowledge of environmental problems, as well as reveal the political positions,
ideologies, and social rules that are at the core of those discourses and practices.


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How to Cite
Silva, P. R. G. da, & Fernandes, A. S. A. (1996). Urban environment and quality of life in Salvador. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 30(6), 78 a 88. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/7988

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