Reforming the regulatory reform: general law on independent agencies in Brazil

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Pedro Ivo Sebba Ramalho
André Vaz Lopes


This paper addresses the effects of the new general law on independent agencies in Brazil. This regulatory reform sought to increase transparency and accountability, strengthen ex-ante evaluation, and improve decision-making. The research objective was to evaluate the possible organizational and institutional consequences of these changes. The study compared data collected from key actors in the 11 agencies referring to the period before the law with the regulatory scenario one year after the law was enacted. The results allow an unprecedented panoramic view of the agencies’ instruments under the inspiration of better regulation, and the new scenario can positively impact these structures’ credibility and trust. The study indicates an advance in the Brazilian regulatory governance model and opens space for future research.


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How to Cite
Ramalho, P. I. S., & Lopes, A. V. (2022). Reforming the regulatory reform: general law on independent agencies in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 56(4), 550–561.
Forum: Practical Perspectives


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