A design process to define public challenges addressing SDGs

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Hugo Medeiros
George Augusto Valença Santos
Bruno Nunes Guedes
Katarina Santiago
Kellyton Brito


How might we define local innovation challenges that are user-centered but also address strategic goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? We propose a design process that introduces a relevant contribution to the practices of the Mission-oriented Innovation Policies (MIPs) field as it goes from Grand Societal Challenges (GSCs) to local innovation challenges, which are more relevant to local needs and capabilities of solution. The main goal of the design process is to go from a GSC, such as “access to health” and one of its missions, like “reducing Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD),” to a more able-to-solve innovation challenge, passing by its mission, and different problems and aspects. Snowball sampling methods allow us to find and mobilize electable subjects and design thinking techniques to process problem mapping, election, and clustering, as well as create challenge statements. It was possible to translate GSC to the local reality while reducing contestation and complexity and producing a problem-grouped map with prioritization and three problem statements (challenges) with open phrasing and solution criteria to foster the users’ desired outcomes.


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How to Cite
Medeiros, H., Santos, G. A. V., Guedes, B. N., Santiago, K., & Brito, K. (2023). A design process to define public challenges addressing SDGs. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 57(4), e2023–0008. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-761220230008


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